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Thursday Thirteen #8 - And now a word (or two) about facial hair


Beards in particular.

This week’s Thursday Thirteen entry was inspired by a word of the day entry on wordsmith.org:

1. Pogonotrophy - is the act of cultivating, or growing and grooming, a mustache, beard, sideburns or other facial hair.

Pogonotrophy (po-guh-NAW-truh-fee) noun

[From Greek pogon (beard) + -trophy (nourishment, growth).]

2. Pogonology is the study of beards

3. And pogonotomy is a fancy word for shaving.

4. Did you know that facial hair is a secondary sex characteristic in human males? Most men develop facial hair in the later years of puberty, approximately between 15-18 years old.

5. There are blog postings devoted to the art of growing one’s beard. Two with the same title: Adventures in Pogonotrophy - go here and here.

6. There’s also an annual mustache contest. I am not clear on what the Grand Prize is but the entries are entertaining. Here’s the winner:


7. This guy won for the most extreme makeover:


8. This was the winner for the most pathetic mustache category:


9. I wonder which category Sean Connery would have won had he entered?


10. There also an annual beard growing contest called Whiskerino. Here’s their motto:

“We are alienated from our own facial hair.

Society tells us that full beards are unacceptable. Businessmen, politicians, bankers, and the like are all clean shaven; all demonstrating the standards that middle class society expects us to maintain.”

11. Beards, it seems, have a troubled history. Did you know that both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I taxed Englishmen with beards?

12. If you’d like to grow a beard, may I suggest going to Beards.org . They have been “growing better beards worldwide - since 1996.

13. And finally, there’s a Beard Community Bulletin Board where its free to post images of beardedness, as long as they’re family friendly. Go there to find images like this one:


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Please tell me that's not really Sean Connery. Ugh. I'm gonna have nightmares.

I am not fond of beards at all. Intimacy takes on a whole new meaning with a bristle infested face! I don't mind neatly trimmed sideburns and goatees.

WOW! Now that is an interesting Thursday Thirteen. I can tell you put a lot into this topic. I enjoyed reading it and learned something. I like it when that happens, when I learn something. Thanks for stopping by my place and commenting. Now I need to figure out how to use the word pogonotrophy!

I like to draw mustaches on magazine people.

I'm not fond of beards myself, but my husband wears a small one and it doesn't look too bad.

You inevitably make the most amazing TT's! Imagine...being taxed for your beard!

Who knew so much about beards! In my job, I fill in database info about old photographs, but I write a lot more about differing mustache styles than beards. Good TT! Thanks for visiting mine.

Weird, but so interesting. That picture of Sean Connery surprised the heck out of me. What movie was that from?

I hate beards for the most part, unless their kept really trim and close to the face.

Happy TT, thanks for dropping by mine.

Gosh! I thought I had seen all of Sean Connery's movies. Missed this pose!

As for the beards, I can do without them. And, what is it with these nice looking teenage boys who want the little dab of hair on their chin?? My grandson is handsome, a senior, and wouldn't shave it off for his SR pic, or the Prom.

Check out my TT

I enjoyed your list.
LOL at Sean Connery.
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
Thank you for your visit.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š

That was crazy interesting!! Very creative TT. The pic of Sean Connery was scary! Thanks for visiting mine.

Too Funny!!!

Great list! The best part was the picture of Sean Connery! :)

Happy TT!

Hmmm...great list. Not much to say except that Darling Wife had me shave off my beard just after we were married. I really do look 10 years younger without it! Thanks for the fun pictures...

AAaaagh! All that facial hair... it's hurting my eyes. I think I'm going blind. *thuds*

Man, people really get into this beard thing don't they..lol This was hilarious. Thanks for sharing!!

Happy TT

Haha! I got the word from them too! Thanx for all the extra info! :)

Ha ha ha ha ha!! This is hilarious, I'm sending it to DH!! Happy TT!

Lisa - Lil' Duck Duck

Oh man. I will never, ever be able to look at Sean Connery again without laughing.

*slaps hand over eyes*

Too funny. Thank you.

This was great! Some of them words were weird and I never would have thought them having to do with beards!

Thanks for stopping by my TT!

That is why I like TT, you learn something new every Thursday. Thanks for the new word. My TT is up too, come and visit, Happy Thursday 13!!

That was much more interesting than I expected. Thanks for sharing! I can impress my Dutch friends with a new word I learned, *LOL*!
My TT is about posts without comments.

Bearded since 1972

Aiiigh! Beards! *runs to hide*

;) Very entertaining! Happy TT!

This is a cool TT list. I learned a new word today. Not sure I'll be able to remember it though. LOL! The pictures were a nice touch too. Made me laugh.

Happy TT Day! Mine is up. 13 reasons spring is in the air.

LOL...you really make me laugh with those pics.

:D Thank you for checking out my blog. And, please, pass it on your friend. Would love to help.

Have a great TT!

EW @ that first picture. LOL. And that sean connery pic...i've lost all respect for the man...

Did #8 actually have anything? But #9 was hilarious - what fun, oh and thank you for the new words as well :-)

Hee! What a neat idea for a Thursday Thirteen -- it was furry, furry fascinating! :)

Happy TT, and thank you for visiting my blog!