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Thursday Thirteen # 13 - 13 ways to "Turn It Off"


On May 16 turn off your unnecessary lights, TV and other appliances to help save electricity and a whole lot more. Think globally, act locally.

1. Turn off all lights when you leave the room.
2. Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. They use 75 percent less energy and last up to eight times longer than incandescent light bulbs.
3. Use dimmers with your incandescent light bulbs to extend the life of the bulb.
4. Use holiday light emitting diode (LED) strings. They use 95 percent less electricity and last ten times longer than standard incandescent strings.

Kitchen Appliances
5. Run the dishwasher only with a full load of dishes. Let the dishwasher air-dry or use the economy setting.
6. Use small appliances to cook meals or BBQ outside.
7. Keep your fridge or freezer away from heat sources.

8. Turn off your computer, printer and photocopiers when not in use.
9. If you must leave your computer on for network applications or other purposes, turn off the monitor to reduce electricity consumption.
10. Unplug any electrical equipment that is not in use as many appliances consume power even when they’re “off”.

Space Heating
11. Set your thermostat to no higher than 21 degrees Celsius (70 Fahrenheit) for heating and no lower than 26 degrees Celsius (78 Fahrenheit) for cooling. Set the heating temperature to 16 degrees Celsius (60 Fahrenheit) when you’re away or asleep.
12. Put on a sweater instead of turning up the thermostat.
13. Reduce heat loss through your home’s exterior by adding insulation to floors, walls, crawlspaces, basements and attics.

I'm turning off on May 16 - you can too!

The Pledge

I believe

that we can and must make real changes in the way we live, for the sake of a livable, sustainable future.

I believe

that individual actions, taken in concert, can send a powerful message as well as making a real difference.

And I hereby pledge

that, on May 16th, I will do my part by turning off my lights and non-essential electronic and electrical devices, and doing my best to reduce my energy consumption.

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OMG, it's the 19th - I missed it! If it's any consolation, I do these things daily. I really am a stickler for turning things OFF. Simple is better. Hey, thanks for stopping by my place this week!

Yia sou Christine....good advice all around..The environment is still our most important possesion. When will everyone wake up to this?

Thanks for dropping by and commenting recently. I had a chance to look into your blog a little more and I am very interested in the book you're working on. "Saints and Cigarettes" sounds like a great title.

keep it up

What a great list!!

Great list!! =)

Very informative.

I linked to you from 13 Ways to tell if you are a Surrender Monkey

Some great stuff here. My husband keeps me in line when it comes to power consumption. Excellent ideas.

This is great stuff. We need to do it as a regular thing.

Good ideas.
Lyn from Bloggin' Outloud

Great suggestions Super TT idea

We have gas logs in our Den and it conserves on electricity in the winter. My DW never gets turned on unless it's full - my husband would do otherwise. :)

Check out my TT.

Oh, great list of ideas! Happy TT!

Lisa - Lil Duck Duck

Great ideas to conserve.

Happy TT! Did you ever follow through when I tagged you?

great list, every little bit counts. thanks for sharing these tips. see you next TT.

Oops, went and turned the living room light off while I read this! Great list

Great list. As each old style light bulb goes, I replace it with a fluorescent one. Almost all bulbs in my home are now energy saving.

i pledge that i will not have read this until thursday, May 17th and will be consumed with guilt allllll day. (bottom lip trembling)

Love this! I love getting inspired to make a difference . . . we really CAN except sometimes we forget!! =) Awesome, Christine!

This is such a cool initiative. Thanks for making me aware of it.

Excellent pledge! All this weird weather (which I'm blaming on global warming), the ice caps melting, etc... is starting to scare the hell out of me. What kind of world are we leaving our children?

Thanks for sharing the tips! :) Glad that you visited me today...

I remember being taught so many of these practices in the 70s, when I was a kid.

For cooling conservation, now that summer's coming up: open all windows on the sides of the house facing away from the sun, in the early morning; then close them up around 9am. Keep the drapes or shades drawn, too - keeps the house cooler. Use small fans to keep air circulating. (The tricks you learn when growing up in the desert...)

Yep, we do lots of this stuff. I think we could do MORE, of course, but every little bit helps. As does the cooler temps we've been having -- no AC or heat on and I'm loving it!

Happy TT!

It's great that going green is going mainstream finally.

The typepad dress rehersal was a success but the show got cancelled. I'm still playing 13. As long as Hal will let me.

We do all those things were applicable. (We don't have AC). My parents worked for the utility so enegery conservation was part of growing up.

Awesome TT. I am always trying to turn down the heat and use fans and not A/C if I can. I always turn off all lights when leaving room and run the dishwasher when full. Thanks for the other ideas! Mine is up too!

Loved these! Especially #10. I always forget about that. Thanks for reminding me. I'm going to unplug my cell phone recharger right now.

That's a wonderful initiative, great list too! I already do a lot of those, but it's always good to be reminded!
My TT lists 13 favourite detectives (books).

Great list! It drives me nuts when people (husband) leaves on the computer or lights. I was raised if you walk into a room and turn it on, before you leave that room you turn it OFF! :) Have a great week!

Awesome -- fabulous list. Thanks for raising awareness of things we can do to be more eco-friendly!

Happy TT, my friend!

What a neat list and blog..I will be back

Already do this stuff and more! We're so eco-friendly in this household! GREAT idea for a TT!